Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

Food Festival Sengkaling

Sengkaling Recreational Park - Sengkaling Recreational Park located in MulyoAgung street Number188, Dau Districts Malang or is about 10 km from Malang city center. Its very strategic location because located on the edge highway linking Malang city and Batu City. So that is easily accessible by private vehible or public transportation. 
Sengkaling Recreational Park provides a variety of rides, aside from that as a comfortable family recreation park. That vehicle is playground, vehicle water and land games. Width about 9 hectare and 6 hectare including the form of gardens and trees.
Sengkaling recreational park open everyday at 06.00 o'clock  a.m to 05.00 p.m o'clock. With the time is provided be expected visitor are more relaxed while vacationing with family.

Sengkaling Food Festival

Sengkaling festival food are in place covering 3 hectarein front of Sengkaling Recreational Park. SFF open everyday at 04.00 o'clok p.m to 11.00 o'clock p.m. Except saturday and sunday SFF open at 12.00 o'clok a.m to 11.00 o'clock p.m. With design a very interesting place be expected giving the impression of comfort to visitors.
"Capture every moment as a pivotal moment in life is a moment-moment we do not realize"


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